Building six pack abs: What exercises you should avoid

Are you trying everything to try to build six pack and you just don't understand why it is not happening? Do you know what to do and what not to do to get you there? There are good six pack exercises and bad six pack exercises. Here are the top three abdominal exercises to avoid at all costs if you really want to build your muscles.

First, the standard sit up has to be avoided. This is very hard on your lower back and it only works a few of your abdominal muscles. The sit up is very old fashioned exercise and will cause you more pain than it will good. If you don't listen to anything else in this article at least avoid sit ups unless you want lower back issues when you get older.

Second, the more modern crunch. The crunch is a mini version of the sit up and even though it puts less strain on your lower back it is not one of the best six pack exercises for many reasons. First, it does not work much more than your upper abs. Second, you have no range of motion to really work your abs properly. Third, it is still rough on your neck and your back.

Last, you should avoid any of the gimmicks that you see on the television. There are numerous products out there that will say they will put you in proper positions if you make 3 easy payments, but they are all junk. There is not one good abdominal infomercial product, except for a few of the videos and books. You don't need the gimmicks and all you really need is the proper six pack exercises and the proper training.